
President’s greeting

President Eiichiro Hirakawa

Our school offers a wonderful natural environment and is equipped with an excellent teaching staff and a state-of-the-art training facility. Our main educational goal is to prepare students for their future role in society as part of the health workforce through fostering their sense of humanity along with imparting broad knowledge and encouraging their scientific thinking and problem solving abilities. We also offer joint classes for both students of the nursing department as well as the clinical examination department, in order to deepen their knowledge and understanding of each others’ work and nurture the students inter-departmental teamworking and leadership abilities necessary for success in their future working environment. Furthermore we are offering small group seminars and clinical internships to enrich learning opportunities for our students. Through the educational blend of highly specialized and knowledgeable teachers, practical experience, and sense of humanity, we wish to develop our students into trustworthy and sympathetic healthcare providers.
As our school is a prefectural university, we wish to work closely with the regional communities and institutions in order to expand our educational and researching activities and focus on the regional healthcare needs. As a medical institution our main task is to function as a center of knowledge in the fields of health science and to contribute to regional welfare and healthcare services.

Philosophy & goals

Basic principles
We want to develop sophisticated healthcare professionals with international perspectives that respect the dignity of life and have a deep sense of humanity. These healthcare professional will then fulfill their social mission as health care workers through life long exploration and research, using the scientific thinking and creativity as well as the broad knowledge and technological expertise they acquired during their studies at Kagawa Prefectural University of Health Sciences. Furthermore, graduates will provide lifelong learning to people and health workers in their communities in order to contribute to the improvement of health care in their region.
Educational goal
  1. Development of highly educated personnel, with a developed sense of ethics and broad knowledge, that can act in accordance to the dignity of life and human rights based on their deep sense of humanity.
  2. Development of health care personnel with professional knowledge and practical abilities as well as comprehensive judgment skills.
  3. Development of health care personnel with scientific thinking, based on creativity and curiosity, who are striving for livelong improvement of their abilities and are capable of adapting to advanced medical care technologies and changes in the social environment.
  4. Development of health care personnel who contribute to society by attaching great importance to health care and welfare and to the cooperation with other professionals.
  5. Development of health care personnel who understand and respond to demands characteristic of the region and its various healthcare and welfare needs.
  6. Development of personnel able to solve healthcare and welfare problems with an international perspective.

Admission policy

We are looking for candidates meeting the following requirements:

  • Candidates with a deep interest in the human and with a deep respect towards life
  • Candidates who are eager to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of health care
  • Candidates with a high level of creativity and curiosity who are willing to constantly improve their skills
  • Candidates who are proactive and have a strong sense of responsibility and a high level of cooperativeness
  • Candidates willing to contribute to local and international communities.

School history

April 1999 Opening of Kagawa Medical College
April 2002 Establishment of Kagawa Medical College Graduate School
April 2004 Opening of Kagawa University of Health Sciences
April 2009 Establishment of the Kagawa University of Health Sciences’ Graduate School for Health Sciences (MSc)
April 2011 Establishment of a regional center for collaboration
April 2012 Establishment of the department of midwifery

Faculties and Departments

Faculty and Department structure

Faculty Department Qualification after Graduation Candidate capacity
Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department National nurse examination 70
National public health nurse exam
(selected candidates)
Faculty of Health Sciences Clinical Examination Department National clinical laboratory technician exam 20
Healthy food management certificate
Gene analytical science certificate
Total 90

Professional training in the Nursing Department

Basic principles
We aim to foster a high sense of humanity, based on respect for the dignity of life in our candidates and teach them professional knowledge and skills in order to meet social needs. We want to develop specialized nurses with a deep understanding of their role in the healthcare and welfare system.
Educational goals
  • We aim to teach our students the ability to warm-heartedly share human joy, pain and suffering based on the principle of respect for the dignity of life. Furthermore we want to foster a rich sense of ethics and humanity in our students so that they can act in accordance with human rights.
  • In order to solve health related problems, students will learn to develop the intellectual power, the ability to judge, and the ability to adapt to certain situations by studying to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.
  • We aim to develop nursing practice abilities based on the understanding of humans as individuals, parts of groups, families or communities.
  • We want to develop the understanding of nursing as part of the healthcare and welfare system and foster students’ ability to contribute to local and international communities.
  • We want students to develop the ability to improve oneself and become a specialist in practice, education or research.
  • In order to develop personnel with a high sense of humanity and understanding of human needs, we offer general education courses and specialized basic courses like "anatomy and physiology", "clinical psychology" and "health education", etc.
  • From the first year on students will take courses like "nursing principles" and "basic nursing practice", etc. During the progress of their studies, students will take further specialized courses. In order to develop practical abilities in the field of nursing we are systematically offering clinical practice opportunities.
  • We also enhanced courses in the fields of advanced medicine and specialized medicine such as "nursing policy theory", "nursing topics" and "disaster nursing theory".

Professional training in the Clinical Examination Department

Basic principles
In order to develop personnel as future members of the healthcare team, with the abilty of responding to the needs of society, we aim to impart a broad knowledge and foster our students' sense of humanity.
Educational goals
  • We aim to develop health care personnel with high ethical standards and high sense of humanity based on respect for the dignity of life.
  • We aim to develop our students' practical ability to respond to advanced medicine and changes in the social environment by imparting knowledge of clinical examination and the related technology.
  • We hope to foster students’ curiosity and scientific thinking and their ability to continuously improve themselves and to contribute to the development of clinical examination studies.
  • Students learn how to collect, analyze and manage test results in order to develop the ability to contribute to the regional and international disease prevention and promote health.
  • The education in the fields of clinical examination is not only limited to the medical area, but comprises a wide range of areas, such as food hygiene, etc.
  • The comprehensive education we offer to students of clinical examination studies also comprises practical elements like campus practice, including the basic practice of inspection technology studies, as well as clinical practice.
  • In order to receive a comprehensive education, students will get the opportunity to develop practical abilities during campus practice, which includes basic practice of inspection technology studies and clinical practice.
  • Students will acquaint themselves with advanced state-of-the-art medical technology for clinical examination, in order to be able to cope with the advancement and diversification of medicine, genetic testing studies, assisted reproductive technologies or medical technology science, etc.
  • In order to be able to work in various fields of the healthcare and welfare sector, we offer students a diversified education that comprises environment and food testing studies, examination science, etc.
  • Problem solving abilities and scientific thinking will be developed through educational seminars and specialty seminars in small groups throughout the student’s studies.

Department of Midwifery

Overview of the department of midwifery

The department of midwifery of the Kagawa University of Health Science (opened in April 2012) aims to train midwives who are able to provide safe and high quality care to women, children, and families based on a deep sense of humanity and respect for the dignity of life.

Educational goals
The development of personnel is based on the following educational goals. We aim to develop midwifes that can contribute to the region as a member of the maternal and child care team with following qualifications:
  • Maternity care abilities
  • Ability to meet social needs and respond to medical progress
  • Ability to continuously improve one’s skills
  • Ability to practice midwifery on a highly qualified level
  • Women’s health care abilities
Admission policy
  1. Candidates committed to midwifery
  2. Candidates willing to take over responsibility and fit to face the birth of life
  3. Candidates willing to contribute to the maternal and child health in the region.
Department of Midwifery: 10 candidates

Graduate School

Overview of the graduate school

1 Philosophy & goals
To gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge, our basic principle is to support the "health and independence" of the people by developing highly specialized professionals, who besides their practical and theoretical skills in the fields of healthcare also have a comprehensive set of skills comprising decision making and leadership abilities. The goal is to contribute to the development of the next generation, by improving peoples' health and quality of live through high quality healthcare and welfare.
2 Goals
In order to achieve high quality healthcare, advanced knowledge and the pursuit of a high level of expertise in this field are necessary. We strive to develop highly specialized personnel who can provide such high level, comprehensive services in the fields of healthcare and welfare.
3 Name of the graduate school
Graduate School of Health Sciences(Master’s Degrees)
4 Name of majors and description
Faculty Department Area Candidates
Faculty of Health
(Course of Health Sciences)
Nursing Healthy living support 8
Development of next generation
Clinical examination Pathology function test studies
Pathogenesis analysis testing
5 Name of degree
(1)Master of Nursing
(2)Master of Medical Technology